
Harry Potter


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Harry Potte


This is one of my all-time favourite series of books. I read it when I was eight, and my friends and I were obsessed. It is a perfect book for kids above 8, but I don't think it's a good idea for younger kids to read it as the later books may be scary.

Harry Potter books centre around 'the boy who lived', Harry, whose parents have been killed, and he lives with his cruel aunt and uncle. He learns that he is a wizard on his 11th birthday when he receives an invitation to attend a magic school called Hogwarts. At Hogwarts, he finds his friends Ron and Hermione. He also soon learns the truth about his parents' deaths, how they were murdered, and by whom.

My favourite characters are Hermione, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, and Draco Malfoy. I highly recommend reading the books before watching the movies, as many parts of the books are left out in the film. Some books indirectly bring up issues like slavery and discrimination based on blood. There are themes of death in all the books, but it isn't bloody or scary in the first five books. The last book is slightly gorier and scarier, and there is one scene where Hermione is tortured using a knife, so parents may want to consider the appropriate age for their kids to read the later books, but I read this book at the age of 8.

My friends and I have recently discussed whether to "cancel" JK Rowling because of her views on the trans community in a section on her blog called "In My Own Words". However, I feel that we should separate the art from the artist and still enjoy her books.

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