
The Odyssey


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The Odyssey


This is a millennia-old classic that tells the story of Odysseus’ last year of his 10-year journey home. This book is based after the Trojan War and after Odysseus angered Poseidon into cursing his return him. This happens after Odysseus blinds a cyclops, who is also Posiedon’s son. This book shows the effect of the long war and journey on all of the crew of Odysseus’ ship and how Odysseus wins the favour of the Olympians with his intelligence. I have always been interested in Greek mythology, which is the reason I wanted to read this book. We were also learning the poem Ithaca in school, which also made me interested in reading this book.

This book is translated from the original, which was in ancient Greek. This book is hard to follow if you do not know basic Greek mythology. It was originally written as a poem and has been translated as one as well.

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