This book is a classic and tells the story of the animals living in Manor farm. The author of Animal Farm has based the story on the Russian Revolution. In the story, the animals in Manor Farm get sick of being treated badly and decide to form an uprising. They manage to take over the farm and name it Animal Farm. They make a list of commandments that keep getting changed throughout the story. This book focuses on the corruption and lies told by the pig Napoleon, the head of Animal Farm. Some of the characters in this story are based on people who played a role in the Russian Revolution. For example, Napoleon the pig is modelled after Joseph Stalin. This is a story that sends an important message. A story that has survived the test of time, one that I feel is still relevant today. Throughout the book, we see the power dynamics change. The farm goes from the control of Mr Manor to the pigs, Napoleon and Snowball, to just Napoleon. This also shows how powerful the will of the community is, how easily reputations can be tarnished and people can be influenced. I recommend this book to anyone above the age of 11 as some of the themes are not easy to understand for younger children.