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The Complete Guide to Ranking Your YouTube Videos in 2024
Simran September 20, 2024 11 views

When it comes to digital marketing, YouTube is a powerhouse platform that everyone must pay attention to. Your YouTube strategy needs to be solid, whether you’re a startup, influencer, or seasoned business—and that’s where YouTube SEO comes in. Just like optimising a website for Google, your YouTube channel needs the right strategy to rank high in search results and get discovered by a broader audience. 

In this post, you’ll learn how you can improve your YouTube rankings and grow your channel by focusing on effective SEO techniques. As an SEO company in India, specialises in precisely this type of SEO work—helping brands rank higher on Google and across various social media platforms. And YouTube, being the world’s second-largest search engine, requires as much focus on SEO as your website.

How to Grow Your YouTube Channel

Let’s start with some client experiences. Some of our clients struggled with getting their business’s YouTube videos noticed. Even after working hours to create high-quality content, they weren’t seeing the expected engagement. The problem? They hadn’t optimised their videos for search engines. Once we implemented SEO strategies like keyword research, title optimisation, and tweaking their thumbnails for their channel, they saw a significant improvement in their rankings, views, and subscribers.

The point? No matter how great your content is, if your videos aren’t optimised for YouTube’s algorithm, they’ll be buried in a sea of other videos. To avoid this, improve visibility with a solid YouTube SEO strategy. Here’s how we did it for our clients and how you can, too.

Step #1: YouTube Keyword Research

The first thing we would say is that keyword research is non-negotiable. Like Google, YouTube ranks videos based on how well they answer a user’s query. If your video title, description, and content don’t align with the keywords people search for, your video won’t be seen.

So, how do you find the right keywords? Start by typing a topic related to your video into YouTube’s search bar. Notice how YouTube auto-completes your phrase? Those suggestions are what people are actively searching for. For example, if you’re an SEO company and making a video on “SEO tips,” you might see suggestions like “SEO tips for beginners” or “SEO India 2024.” These are your golden keywords.

Once you’ve got your keywords list, integrate them into your video’s title, description, and tags. This signals to YouTube’s algorithm that your content is relevant to the search intent, which boosts your chances of ranking.


Step #2: Optimising Your Video Metadata


  • Title: The title is the first thing people notice, and it should include your primary keyword. But don’t just stuff keywords—your title needs to be catchy and clickable. For example, instead of “SEO Tips 2024,” try “Top 5 SEO Tips for 2024 That Actually Work.”


  1. Description: Use the first 150 characters to hook your viewers, and make sure your primary keyword is mentioned. For example, if you’re talking about SEO in India strategies, make sure the description is clear. Include links, hashtags, and timestamps for easier navigation.


  1. Tags: Tags help YouTube understand your content. Use a mix of broad and specific tags. For example, if your video is about social media strategies, use tags like “social media” and “social media marketing,”.


  1. Thumbnail: Believe it or not, your thumbnail can significantly impact your video’s performance. A high-quality, eye-catching thumbnail can increase click-through rates, which signals to YouTube that people are interested in your video. 


Step #3: Engagement is Key

YouTube’s algorithm doesn’t just rank videos based on keywords; it also looks at the engagement a video receives. This includes likes, comments, shares, and watch time. Include a solid call to action (CTA) in your video. Ask viewers to comment, like, or subscribe and respond to their comments when they do. This two-way interaction keeps your audience interested while improving your video’s ranking.

Another trick is creating shareable content that encourages viewers to share your video. This is where we come into the picture as a leading social media and SEO company in India. We specialise in creating impactful content that drives engagement and improves SEO. 

Step #4: Promoting Your Videos on Social Media

Sharing your videos on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter can help drive traffic to your channel, improving engagement and rankings. This cross-promotion is especially important since platforms like Instagram and WhatsApp have substantial user bases.

Promoting your video doesn’t stop at just a single post, either. Use different formats to keep your audience interested. Share snippets of your video as Instagram Reels or Stories. Post behind-the-scenes content or a teaser on Facebook to build curiosity. This ensures your video stays at the top of your audience’s mind.

Step #5: Leverage YouTube Analytics

You can’t improve what you don’t measure. YouTube provides a comprehensive analytics tool that shows how your videos perform, who’s watching, and how they find your content. Use this data to understand which keywords drive traffic, where people drop off in your video, and how long viewers watch. The more you learn from this data, the better you can tailor your content for future uploads.

Also read: The Best Social Media Image Size Cheat Sheet for Various Platforms

The Blend of SEO and Social Media

Finally, remember that YouTube doesn’t operate in a silo. Your YouTube SEO efforts are amplified when they work with other platforms. By sharing your content across social media, you build more backlinks to your videos, increasing your chances of ranking higher on YouTube’s search results. 

At RepIndia, our social media and SEO experts collaborate to create a cohesive strategy that helps brands boost their online presence across multiple channels. We understand that SEO is not just about optimising for Google—it’s about leveraging every opportunity to maximise visibility and engagement.

Thus, growing your YouTube channel in 2024 requires more than creating content. It’s about optimising that content for YouTube’s algorithm through effective SEO strategies. From YouTube keyword research to promoting your videos across social media, every step counts. If you want to elevate your YouTube SEO game, whether on YouTube or other platforms, reach out to RepIndia today!

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